Potatoes were first grown around 2,000 years ago in modern-day Peru and Bolivia, and then spread all over South America. The word “potato” comes from the Haitian language. Haitian people called a sweet potato “batata”. This later came into Spanish as “patata” and then into English as “potato”., In 1537 Spanish colonists headed by Jiménez de Quesada found potatoes in Colombia and brought them to Spain and Italy. At this time potatoes were still small and bitter and people in Europe didn’t eat them because they thought they were poisonous and caused diseases. Potatoes were used only to feed pigs and prisoners., The success of potatoes in Europe started with the French army medical officer named Antoine Parmentier. During the Seven Years War, he was taken prisoner by the Germans and given only potatoes for food. When Parmentier came back to France, he started growing potatoes., In 1772 the Paris Faculty of Medicine finally said that potatoes were edible for humans, and Parmentier started hosting big potatoes-only dinners. Among his guests were King Louis XIV, Marie Antoinette, Antoine Lavoisier and Benjamin Franklin., By 1795, potatoes were grown all over France, even at the royal gardens at Tuileries, which were converted into potato fields. Around that time the French learned to make fries. First sold by street vendors on Paris's oldest bridge, Pont Neuf, the thin potato pieces called “frites” became very popular., In 1802, American president Thomas Jefferson had “potatoes in the French manner” cooked by his French chef Honoré Julien. Soon the recipe became common in American cookbooks, where it was called “French Fried Potatoes”. Around the 1930s the dish came to be known as simply French fries., In the middle of the century, fast-food and drive-in restaurant chains appeared in America. Frozen French fries from fast-food restaurants and roadside diners became a big part of American diet., French fries in modern fast-food chains, Burger King and McDonald’s, are sprayed with sugar to give them golden colour. Type of sauce to dip fries in is different from country to country. In America, fries are typically eaten with ketchup, in some parts of Europe – with mayonnaise..

History of French fries ordering


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