1) The part of the amniotic egg that contains wastes from the embryo and gets bigger with age is the... a) Yolk sac b) Chorion c) Allantois d) Amnion 2) The part of the amniotic egg that works with the allantois to allow gas exchange is the... a) Yolk sac b) Chorion c) Amnion 3) The part of the amniotic egg that encloses a reserve of nutrients and gets smaller with age is the... a) Yolk sac b) Chorion c) Allantois 4) The part of the amniotic egg that protects the embryo in the amniotic cavity is the... a) Yolk sac b) Allantois c) Amnion 5) When there are no temporal openings in the skull a) Anapsid b) Diapsid c) Synapsid 6) Are living mammals anapsid, diapsid, or synapsid? a) Anapsid b) Diapsid c) Synapsid 7) Do reptiles have internal or external fertilization? a) Internal b) External 8) Which of the following reptiles does NOT have a 3 chambered heart? a) Snakes b) Lizards c) Crocodiles d) Turtles 9) Are reptiles endothermic or ectothermic? a) Endothermic b) Ectothermic 10) What do reptiles use to respirate? a) Gills b) Lungs c) Book lungs d) Diffusion 11) True or False: Snakes are NOT considered tetrapods. a) True b) False 12) In reptile eggs, higher temperatures produce the _________ sex. a) Larger b) Smaller 13) Snakes are able to swallow prey much bigger than themselves because of their... a) Pharyngeal arches b) Kinetic skulls c) Toxic venom 14) A snake's forked tongue is used for a) Chemoreception b) Respiration c) Excretion 15) Are birds considered endothermic or ectothermic? a) Endothermic b) Ectothermic 16) How many heart chambers do birds have? a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 17) Which of the following is NOT an adaptation for flight in birds? a) Hollow bones b) Air sacs c) The absence of a urinary bladder d) The absence of a gall bladder e) A single ovary and oviduct 18) Which is a clear candidate for a transitional fossil between non-avian dinosaurs and birds? a) Tiktaalik b) Archaeopteryx 19) True or False: Modern birds do NOT have teeth. a) True b) False 20) True or False: Birds do NOT have much parental care for their young. a) True b) False 21) Are amphibians monoecious or dioecious? a) Monoecious b) Dioecious 22) True or False: Amphibians are entirely aquatic. a) True b) False 23) What are the special pigmented cells that produce skin color in frogs? a) Melanin b) Chromatophores c) Chlorophyll 24) During breeding season, when eggs are mature, females enter the water and males clasp them in... a) a firm grip b) Clutches c) Amplexus 25) What structure helps with the thrust of a frog's hindlimbs? a) Urostyle b) Astragalus c) Calcanium d) Talus

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