a storm - very bad weather with lots of rain, snow, wind, etc., thunder - the loud noise that comes from the sky during a storm, lightning - a bright light in the sky caused by electricity during a storm, usually followed by thunder, a gale - a very strong wind, a hurricane (= a typhoon or a cyclone) - a violent storm with extremely strong winds, a tornado (US: a twister) - an extremely strong and dangerous wind that blows in a circle and destroys buildings, a heat wave (or heatwave) - a period of unusually hot weather that continues for a long time, a blizzard - a very bad snow storm with strong winds, a flood - when a lot of water covers an area that is usually dry, especially when it rains a lot or a river becomes too full, an earthquake - a sudden violent movement of the Earth's surface, often causing a lot of damage, a tsunami - an extremely large wave that can cause a lot of damage when it hits the coast, a landslide - when a large quantity of rocks and earth falls down the side of a mountain, a drought - a long period of time with no rain and not enough water for plants and animals, a volcanic eruption  - when magma is released from a volcano, forest fire - when forest is burning,

Natural disasters


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