Be 10 years older OR stay at your current age?, Talk to animals OR read people's minds, Be really smart OR be really funny, Receive one really nice gift OR recieve many small gifts, Be constantly sneezing OR Be constantly yawning, Be able to see things that are really far away OR be able to hear things that are really far away, Never get sick again or Never get injured again, Lose your sense of taste or Lose your sense of smell, Take a shower that's too hot OR take a shower that's too cold, Spend the day at the beach OR spend the day at an amusement park, Play outside all day OR play inside all day, Be in a water balloon fight OR be in a snowball fight, Spend a year in jail OR Spend a year in the hospital, Wear shoes that are one size too large OR Wear shoes that are one size too small, Be able to read really fast OR Be able to run really fast, Have 10 siblings OR be an only child, Have super strong arms OR Have super strong legs, Have to crawl on all fours everywhere OR Have to walk backwards everywhere, Never have to take a test again or Never have to do homework again, Clean the bathroom once a week OR clean your room once a day.

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