1) What is the past form of the verb "go"? a) goed b) goes c) went d) gone 2) I____(do/not) feel so good yesterday so, I ________ (go) to the doctor. a) did not/go b) do/went c) did not/gone d) did not/went 3) I ________(cut) my finger while trying to make a sandwich last night. a) cut b) cutted c) cutting d) cuts 4) _____ (do) you go to school last week? a) Was b) Don't c) Did d) Doing 5) When ____ (to be) you born? a) was b) were c) are d) wasn't 6) I ____(to be) sick this morning. a) was b) were c) are d) is 7) What ____ (to be) your favorite game as a child? a) was b) is c) were d) are 8) I ____(not/play) video games yesterday. I ____(do) my homework. a) did not/do b) do not/did c) do not/do d) did not/did 9) I _________(play) CS:GO last night. a) played b) playing c) play d) plays 10) It ___(to be) hot so I ______(open) the window. a) were/open b) was/opened c) is/opening d) are/opens 11) My room _____(to be) messy so I _____ (clean) it. a) were/cleaned b) was/clean c) is/cleaned d) was/cleaned 12) I ____(talk) to my friends about tomorrow's exam yesterday. a) talking b) talked c) talk d) talkinged 13) I ____(close) the door because the weather ___(to be) windy. a) closed/was b) close/were c) closed/is d) close/are 14) ____(do) you wash the dishes? a) did b) do c) did not d) do not 15) I loved the movie we _____ (watch). a) watch b) watched c) watching d) watchinged 16) He ______(speak) with the principal about the library. a) speaking b) speak c) speaked d) spoke 17) I can't keep my eyes open, I _____(wake up) early this morning. a) wake up b) waking up c) woke up d) waked up 18) I _____(write) an e-mail to my online friend. a) wrote b) write c) writed d) writing 19) She _____(get) me the best present last Christmas. a) getted b) get c) got d) getting 20) I ____(run) every day last summer. a) runned b) run c) running d) ran 21) My friend _____(swim) in the middle of winter. a) swimmed b) swam c) swimming d) swim 22) I _____(put) flowers in her vase last week. a) put b) putted c) putting d) puts 23) These shoes _____(cost) me ten dollars, they ____(to be) very cheap. a) costed/was b) cost/were c) cost/was d) costed/were 24) She _____(to be) very sad, because she ____(hit) a cat with her bike. a) was/hitted b) were/hit c) was/hit d) is/hit 25) I ________ to the cinema yesterday, I had a lot of homework. a) did goed b) did not go c) did go d) went 26) ______ you listen to music last night? I heard noises. a) did b) does c) do d) do not

Simple Past Tense Game


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