Formal letters: Thank you for your letter dated …, In reply to your letter dated 5 December …, I am writing to complain about …, I am writing to you to ask for your help …, I am writing to enquire about …, I am writing in response to your advertisement in the ..., I am interested in applying for the post of ..., Yours sincerely,, Yours faithfully,, Dear Sir/Madam,, Dear Mr Smith,, I look forward to hearing from you soon., Could you please send me further details about…?, Thanking you in advance for your time and assistance., Informal letters: Thanks for your last letter …, I’m sorry I haven’t written for such a long time but..., We were so happy/pleased to hear from you …, I was glad to hear that …, What’s up with you?, I hope you and the family are well., How are you?, I’m writing to you to wish you the best of luck with..., Many thanks for your lovely letter …, It was lovely/great to hear from you …, Yours,, Best wishes,, Regards,, Hi, Sam!, Dear Susan,,

Writing Matura Exam B1 Formal_informal

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