1) ......................... Millie and Bertie loved reading books! a) Two b) Both c) However 2) ......................... there were many schools near Johnny's house, he was studying in a boarding school far away from his house. a) Although b) Both c) In contrast 3) .........................Johnny liked Latin, he was scared of his Latin teacher. a) Both b) However c) Even though 4) Otto was very strict ............................... he was a good father. a) So b) but c) Both 5) Bertie was homeschooled by his mother. ................................. Millie, who was homeschooled by his Miss Tulips. a) But b) Similar to c) However 6) .................. Millie loved animals, Bertie was the only one who had been in the wild. a) Although b) Both c) Similar to 7) ...................... Bertie ................. Johnny hated the boarding school in England. a) Both..... but b) However ..... in c) Not only ....... but also 8) Millie's house was surrounded by a stone wall. ......................, Bertie's farmhouse was surrounded by a wire fence. a) Similarly b) Both c) Not only 9) ..................... Bertie was from South Africa, he was studying in a boarding school in England. a) Similarly b) Even though c) In contrast 10) ....................... Millie and Bertie loved flying kites. a) And b) Even though c) Both 11) Bertie promised his lion that he would never be sent to a circus. .............. his father sold it to a circus owner. a) However b) Both c) Not only 12) .................... it never rained in Timbavati, it rained heavily when the Frenchman arrived. a) But b) However c) Although 13) ...................... Bertie ........................ Johnny missed their mothers every single day. a) Not only ........ but also b) Both ..... but c) Although..... in contrast 14) Bertie lived in a remote farmhouse in Timbavatti. ..........................., Millie lived in a rich neighborhood in Strawbridge. a) And b) In contrast c) Both 15) ........................ Alice loved Bertie, she never contradicted her husband. a) Although b) In contrast c) However

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