1) "It's so warm today", my friend ______. a) said b) told c) talked d) spoke 2) My sister usually________ very quietly. a) says b) tells c) talks d) speaks 3) Jane _____me that she'd bought a new dress. a) said b) told c) talked d) spoke 4) (on the phone) Hello, may I_____to Mr. Smith? a) say b) tell c) talk d) speak 5) Our head teacher is going to_______at our graduation ceremony. a) say b) tell c) talk d) speak 6) When I'm with my friends, we usually_______a lot. a) say b) tell c) talk d) speak 7) I'm sorry but I don't_______French. a) say b) tell c) talk d) speak 8) My mum ______me to tidy up my room. a) said b) told c) talked d) spoke 9) Alex _____that he was very busy. a) said b) told c) talked d) spoke 10) I_______him that I'd already bought the tickets. a) said b) told c) talked d) spoke 11) We_______about our problems, a) said b) told c) talked d) spoke

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