1) Sally is the student who always sits at the back. a) Defining (important information) b) Non-defining (extra information) 2) The woman who lives next door is a doctor. a) Defining (important information) b) Non-defining (extra information) 3) My brother Ben who lives in Paris is an architect. a) Defining (important information) b) Non-defining (extra information) 4) Grace works for the company which makes furniture. a) Defining (important information) b) Non-defining (extra information) 5) We know a lot of people who live in the city. a) Defining (important information) b) Non-defining (extra information) 6) Anna told me about her new job which she is enjoying. a) Defining (important information) b) Non-defining (extra information) 7) We stayed at the Park Hotel which one of our friends recommended. a) Defining (important information) b) Non-defining (extra information) 8) An architect is someone who designs buildings. a) Defining (important information) b) Non-defining (extra information) 9) John who can speak French and Italian works as a tour guide. a) Defining (important information) b) Non-defining (extra information) 10) This morning I met Chris who I hadn’t seen for ages. a) Defining (important information) b) Non-defining (extra information) 11) What was the name of the person who phoned? a) Defining (important information) b) Non-defining (extra information) 12) Where is the cheese that was in the fridge? a) Defining (important information) b) Non-defining (extra information) 13) Lisa whose car broke down was in a very bad mood. a) Defining (important information) b) Non-defining (extra information) 14) Kate has just been to Rome where her daughter lives. a) Defining (important information) b) Non-defining (extra information) 15) The new stadium which can hold 90,000 people will be built next year. a) Defining (important information) b) Non-defining (extra information) 16) I don’t like stories that have unhappy endings. a) Defining (important information) b) Non-defining (extra information)

Defining or Non-defining relative clauses (commas are not written)


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