1) Which of the following is rounded to 30 a) 23 b) 32 c) 35 2) Which is 8 543 rounded off to the nearest thousands? a) 9 000 b) 8 640 c) 8 500 3) Which of the following is rounded to 300? a) 244 b) 354 c) 265 4) What are we going to do if the number to the right of the rounding digit is 0,1,2,3,or4? a) round up b) round down c) none of the above 5) What are we going to do if the number to the right of the rounding digit is 5,6,7,8, or 9? a) round up b) round down c) all of the above 6) Which is 413 183 rounded off to the nearest ten thousands? a) 410 000 b) 410 183 c) 413 000 7) Which is 567 586 rounded off to the nearest thousands? a) 570 000 b) 567 000 c) 568 000 8) Which number can be rounded off to 5 000? a) 4 180 b) 4 570 c) 4 271 9) The bike costs ₱ 5 678. 15, round off the bike's price to the nearest peso. a) ₱5 678.00 b) ₱5 679.00 c) ₱ 5670.00 10) Mike rounded 542 136 to 540 000. To which place value did he round the number? a) tens b) ten thousands c) thousands

Rounding off numbers

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