mis- - wrong, wronly, re- - again, back, -ness - indicates a noun, means the state or condition, hopelessness - condition of feeling hopeless, softness - condition of being soft, completeness - the condition of having all parts, the condition of being complete, misinform - to inform wrongly, restart - to start again, pre- - before , dis- - not, opposite of, -ful - suffix indicates an adjective, means full of, careful - full of care, or/er - suffix indicates a person connected with, investigator - a noun, a person connected with investigating, astronmer - a noun, a person connected with astronomy (the stars), un- - not or opposite of, precaution - being careful before you do something, disorder - opposite of order, messiness and confusion, disloyal - opposite of loyal, not being true to someone,

Prefix and Suffix Review Lesson 5-8

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