Climate - The average weather in a given area over a longer period of time, Weather - State of the atmosphere at a particular place during a short period of time, Canary Islands Climate - Subtropical climate, Subtropical climate  - The climatic condition between the tropical and temperate zones, The canary islands have a subtropical climate because of  - Their latitude (the relief), Microclimates - Any climatic condition in a relatively small area, within a few metres or less above and below the Earth´s surface., Northern slope  - Barlovento, Southern slope  - Sotavento , Dry subtropical climate - Typical of the coastal areas: Summer temperatures are high-low rainfall, Humid subtropical climate - Typical of the northern areas (most of the islands): Abundant precipitation, Types of weather in the canary islands - Trade winds, atmospheric instability & winds from the Sahara, Summer weather in the canaries  - The anticyclone is far from the canaries and the sea of clouds forms in the canaries, Winter weather in the canaries - The anticyclone is close to the canaries, the winds are light and the sky remains clear., The atmospheric instability  - Causes the heaviest rainfall on the islands, With the winds from the Sahara - The temperature arise & the humidity decrease-Calima, Weather Phenomena - Wind, cloud, rain, snow, fog & dust storms, Climate vocabulary - Hot, cold, wet, dry, calm, stormy, clear & cloudy,

Canary Islands Climate-Geo 1ºEso

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