1) Can I have ......... hamburger? a) a b) some c) any 2) We need ......... carrots for the soup. a) a b) any c) some 3) I forgot to buy .......... tomatoes. a) some b) a c) any 4) Mum found .......... butter in the fridge. a) any b) some c) a 5) We didn´t order ............ grapes in the restaurant. a) any b) some c) a 6) Do children eat ........ vegetables? a) a b) some c) any 7) Grandma needs ........ egg for this recipe. a) a b) some c) an 8) Dad bought ......... lamb at the butcher´s. a) a b) some c) any 9) Have you got .......... orange? a) a b) an c) any 10) Could you fetch ....... salmon from the fridge? a) a b) some c) any 11) There isn´t ........... fruit in the lunchbox. a) some b) any c) a 12) The chief needs ............ lettuce. a) any b) a c) some 13) Grandma always bakes ............ delicious cakes. a) a b) any c) some 14) I don´t want ........... sugar in my coffee. a) any b) a c) some

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