1) If you mix blue and yellow, you ... green. a) gets b) get c) will get d) is getting 2) If it ... for a long time, plants die. a) don't rain b) will rain c) doesn't rains d) doesn't rain 3) If you ... hard, you'll probably get good results. a) don't work b) work c) doesn't work d) will work 4) If I ... Harry, I will tell him you called. a) will see b) see c) won't see d) saw 5) You ... get up early in the morning tomorrow, if you go to bed late today. a) won't b) will c) don't d) not 6) She ... dinner, if she isn't tired in the evening a) won't cook b) cooks c) will cook d) cook 7) If I go to bed late, I always ... tired the following day. a) feel b) feels c) will feel d) won't feel 8) She will be angry if she ... this job. a) get b) won't get c) don't get d) doesn't get 9) If the weather ... nice, I will cycle to work. a) be b) is c) are d) will be 10) If you need me, I ... you. a) helps b) will help c) helped d) helping 11) When/If you heat water to 100 centigrades it ... a) boil b) will boil c) boils d) will boils 12) Everytime it ... rainy my little brother gets sad a) be b) will be c) bes d) is 13) You'll loose weight if you ... hard a) work out b) will work out c) don't work out d) won't work out 14) If you ... here by 10 pm your parents will get really mad. a) don't be b) aren't c) don't d) won't be

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