1) You make this noise when you are scared. a) clang b) bang c) scream d) quite 2) People make these to show you what something looks like. a) model b) skeleton c) robot d) control 3) Something that makes you feel scared. a) happy b) safe c) scary d) fireworks 4) A loud noise that some animals make. a) bang b) roar c) clang d) scream 5) All of dinosaurs are this. a) dead b) alive c) museum d) skeletons 6) Everyone in your class is this.  a) skeleton b) dinosaurs c) alive d) dead 7) A kind of computer that can move and work. a) skeleton b) alive c) control d) robot 8) These animals lived on earth 46 million years ago. a) dinosaurs b) lions c) tigers d) monkeys 9) The bones inside your body are this. a) model b) robot c) skeleton d) museum 10) You can go to this place to see things from the past. a) farm b) park c) museum d) zoo


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