Round - A song that has multiple sections that can be layered nicely in harmony., Broadway - The name for big, professional theaters in New York City. Originally named for a street. , Solfedge - The system of names for notes in a scale, also known as do-re-mi., Hand Signs - These help us learn the notes in the scale, and to see and feel how notes move up and down., Ensemble - A musical group. Literally “together,” from the French word., Lyrics - The words of a song., Melody - The tune of a song. The order of notes, along with the rhythm., Breathing - The fundamental skill of good singing. If you improve this, you will be a better vocalist., Sight-singing - The skill which helps us read music using our eyes. Solfedge syllables, along with the hand signs, help us improve this., Chorus - This is an organized group of singers. Also the name of the vocal ensemble at Stricker. ,

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