1) They like to draw pictures... a) Do I? b) Don't You? c) Don't they? d) Do they? 2) Paul is reading a book... a) Isn't he?  b) Is she? c) Are you? d) Is it? 3) Sara doesn't like to do her homework a) Doesn't she? b) Does she? c) Is she? d) Isn't she? 4) Luis and frank are listening to their teacher..  a) Do they? b) Are they? c) Aren't they? d) Don't they 5) We like winter a) Do we? b) Don't we? c) Doesn't she? d) Do I? 6) We always study English a) Do we b) Do we? c) Don't we? d) We always? 7) I don't like to eat tacos a) Are you? b) Am I? c) Do I? d) Does he? 8) He is watching a movie with my family a) Is he? b) Isn't she? c) Is she? d) Isn't he? 9) My mom and I love to go shopping a) Don't they? b) Do you? c) Do we? d) Are we? 10) You are very strong a) Aren't you? b) Are you? c) Is he? d) Is she?

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