1) Come … and take a seat, please a) out b) in c) at 2) Where do you come … originally? a) to b) in c) from 3) He will come … home in two weeks a) out b) to c) back 4) I have never come … a person like Steve a) across b) out c) about 5) Come … or we will be late! a) about b) for c) on 6) It’s late. We should go … now. a) back b) forward c) ahead 7) Go … ! Leave me alone! a) ahead b) along c) away 8) Go … , we are all listening. a) back b) ahead c) forward 9) Go … with your work until I come back. a) forward  b) on c) along 10) That shade of blue goes … your eyes a) up b) in c) with

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