1) In Mexico Elementary students ________ wear uniforms at school. a) must b) have to 2) You ________ clean the floor. I've already done it. a) don't have to b) mustn't 3) You _______ drop litter here. It's against the rules! a) don't have to b) mustn't 4) Sue _______ work long hours because she is a doctor.  a) have to b) has to 5) You see a sign at a restaurant. "You _______ wear a mask if you want to enter the restaurant." a) have to b) must 6) Tom is lucky. He ________ get up early on Monday mornings because he starts school at 10 a.m a) doesn't have to b) mustn't 7) You _______ drink alcohol in the classroom. a) don't have to b) can't to c) can't 8) You __________ be an expert to use the basic functions of program. a) mustn't b) don't have to 9) The museum is free. You _________ pay. a) don't have to b) mustn't 10) You ________ park here. It's an emergency exit. a) don't have to b) mustn't 11) Alfred _______ wake up early because he starts work at 7:00. a) can b) doesn't have to c) has to 12) In my English course, I _______ have 4 absences. a) can b) have to c) can to


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