1) I've learnt English ... three years now. a) since b) for 2) I ... a lot so far. a) 've achieved b) achieved 3) I ... angry with anyone recently. a) haven't been b) wasn't 4) I ... much last weekend. a) haven't done b) didn't do 5) I ... my friends for ages. a) didn't see b) haven't seen 6) I ... at home last night. a) 've stayed b) stayed 7) I ... alone only once. a) traveled b) 've traveled 8) I ... really anxious lately . a) 've been b) was 9) She _______ to Rome twice. a) was b) has been 10) He___________ a car 3 months ago a) bought b) has bought 11) I ____________ the wall. a) painted b) have just painted

Present Perfect & Past Simple


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