1) In the 1940s and 1950s, Hollywood fashion designers ... create thousands of dresses for their stars. a) had to b) ought to 2) They ... follow Parisian styles so they created their own version of glamour. a) were forsed to b) didn't have to 3) Their designs were often very simple, but they were ... to use expensive fabrics, like silk, velvet and fur. As a result, their dresses looked timeless and elegant. a) allowed b) forbidden 4) Women were ... to follow strict fashion rules. a) odliged b) permitted 5) They ... to wear knee-length dresses or skirts. a) had to b) were forbidden 6) They were ... to leave their homes without a hat, gloves and a handbag. a) required b) not allowed 7) However, women were ... to have permed hair. a) forbidden b) allowed

Choices U-I/ Design/The dress


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