series - CSI Miami and The Wire are famous TV _______., novel - A long written story, using characters who are not real., sculpture - The David is an ___________., directed - The film The Godfather was ________ by Francis Ford Coppola., written - A Tale of Two Cities was ________ by Charles Dickens., performed - The symphony was first _______ in Vienna in front of 2,000 people., painting - Sunflowers by Van Gogh is a famous ______., play - You see this at the theatre., album - Thriller is a best-selling ________ by Michael Jackson., based - The film is _________ on a true story., poem - A piece of writing in beautiful language, often with short lines, painted - The Mona Lisa was _________ by Leonardo da Vinci., classical - I love ________ music especially Mozart and Bach., architecture - The study of designing buildings., designed - The building was _______ by Gaudi., photograph - You take one of these with a camera.,

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