1) Tom ............... the rabbit in the garden. a) is collecting b) is feeding c) are barking d) is milking 2) Mary and her sister ..................... the eggs now. a) are milking b) is doing c) are collecting d) are walking 3) Look! A budgie .................. a) is flying b) is riding c) is barking d) is swimming 4) The farmer ..................... the barn now. a) is running b) is feeding c) is picking up d) is cleaning 5) She ................... a ball with his puppy. a) is feeding b) is playing c) is collecting d) is milking 6) They ................  photos of the lions. a) are riding b) are watching c) are taking d) are running 7) ...... she ........... now? a) are /sleeping b) is /eating c) is /running d) is /sleeping 8) My mother ...................... the flowers now. a) is watering b) is cooking c) is doing d) is picking up 9) The vet ................... the dog at the moment. a) is watching b) are feeding c) is examining d) is milking 10) John .................. a big tree now. a) is climbing b) is riding c) is picking up d) is running

Present Continuous Tense

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