1) I really like to ____ in the summer. It is great to work with cool water on a hot day. a) make the beds b) wash cars 2) My dad always asks me and my sister to _____ at dinnertime, but she never wants to get the plates. a) do the dishes b) babysit 3) I'm not good at ____ . I simply don't have a "green finger". a) doing the gardening b) delievering newspapers 4) "Have you ever ______? " "No, actually, I don't really like small children." a) pet sit b) babysit 5) I spent last summer as a volunteer in a children's hospital. I ______ in the rooms and played with the kids a) made the beds b) babysit 6) "Did you _____ yesterday?" "No, I didn't. It was raining and Rufus doesn't like to walk in the rain." a) petsit b) walk the dogs 7) "How often do you ______?" "Never, I know it's silly, but I'm afraid of getting burned." a) do the ironing b) make the beds 8) Josh was _______ at Mr. Stevens’s house when he broke one of them. He cut his hand on the broken glass. a) cleaning the windows b) doing the dishes 9) I don’t need to ________ at home because we have a dishwasher – the most beloved kitchen appliance in our house! a) set the table b) do the dishes 10) I enjoy _______ on weekends, but it’s tough to go out on my bike on cold winter mornings. a) washing cars b) delivering newspapers 11) Do you believe that my older brother pays me $10 to ______________ every week? His room is very messy. a) set the table b) clean his room 12) I'm going to ________ for my neighbors this weekend. They have three dogs and two cats. a) walk the dogs b) petsit


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