1) She (not / study) ______________ at the moment. a) doesn't study b) isn't studying 2) We often (go) ____________ to the cinema. a) are going b) go 3) He usually (not / do) _________ his homework. a) doesn't do b) isn't doing 4) They (not / eat) _________ rice every day. a) don't eat b) aren't eating 5) We (not / study) ________ every night. a) aren't studying b) don't study 6) (She / go) _________ to Scotland often? a) Is she going...? b) Does she go...? 7) (He / eat) ________________ now? a) Is he eating...? b) Does he eat...? 8) We (go) __________ to the cinema this weekend. a) are going b) go 9) (You / play) ________________ tennis this Sunday? a) Do you play...? b) Are you playing...? 10) He (not / go) ________________ to the park very often. a) isn't going b) doesn't go

Present Simple vs Present Continuous

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