1) save up a) you gradually collect money by spending less than you get, usually in order to buy something that you want b) be the hero and save someone! 2) bank account a) a place in your house where you save up money b) ler c) an arrangement made with a bank whereby one may deposit and withdraw money and in some cases be paid interest. 3) special offers a) to know you are very special for someone b) product that is being sold for less than its usual price or the act of selling something for less than the usual price. c) ponte la cabeza 4) check out a) to pay and go b) settle one's bill before leaving. c) watch someone who's attractive 5) change a) to transmute b) The money that is left when you pay something 6) recepits a) something such as a piece of paper or message proving that money, goods, or information have been received: b) receiving money c) Wi-fi 7) take something back a) give something to someone b) reclaim possession of something. 8) give away a) give something as a reward b) give something freely as a gift or donation.



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