1) When you're with friends of the same sex, what do you usually talk ______? a) with b) about c) in d) on e) of 2) Are there any sports or games that you're good _______? a) at b) in c) about d) from e) with 3) Is there anything you're really looking forward_____? a) at b) with c) to d) on e) by 4) Who in your family are you closest _____? a) on b) in c) to d) from e) at 5) What kind of films are you keen _____? a) on b) to c) about d) with e) in 6) Are there any animals or insects that you're afraid _____? a) about b) of c) in d) at e) on 7) What's your town famous _____?  a) for b) of c) about d) with e) in 8) Are there any superstitions that you believe _____? a) for b) of c) in d) at e) from 9) He accused me ______ stealing his phone. a) at b) to c) about d) with e) of 10) My friend is addicted ______ playing video games, he stays up all night. a) at b) to c) from d) in e) about 11) In his job he has to deal ______ lots of rude people. a) at b) in c) about d) by e) with 12) The lady is allergic ______ nuts, she has to carry medicine with her. a) by b) at c) to d) from e) with 13) You can always rely _______ me to be on time in the mornings a) in b) on c) with d) to e) about 14) If you don't like the government then you should vote ________ another one! a) to b) by c) with d) for e) about 15) On April Fool's day you often find someone to play a trick ______ . a) on b) to c) with d) at e) about 16) If you keep studying hard you will eventually be fluent _____ English. a) as b) in c) about d) with e) by 17) The man insisted ____ getting a refund after they lost his baggage. a) to b) in c) on d) by e) from 18) It took her two whole weeks to recover fully _______ the illness. a) along b) with c) at d) from e) about 19) She's accustomed _____ being looked after. a) of b) to c) in d) by e) from 20) He's absolutely terrified _____ spiders. a) in b) by c) of d) with e) at 21) He's ashamed _____ his behaviour. a) in b) with c) at d) of e) on 22) She's capable _____ finding a great job. a) of b) at c) by d) with e) along 23) Babies are dependent _____ their parents. a) on b) of c) in d) by e) from 24) I'm good _____ tennis, even though I barely practice.  a) in b) at c) by d) with e) of 25) He's responsible _____ all their house accounts. a) in b) at c) for d) on e) by 26) He was greatly opposed _____ the decision a) to b) of c) for d) from e) at 27) I'm a little suspicious _____ his motives. a) in b) to c) from d) of e) by 28) To be honest I think she's terrible _____ singing. a) in b) with c) by d) on e) at 29) I'm beginning to feel a little nervous _____ the whole situation a) from b) at c) by d) in e) about 30) He's very popular _____ the ladies a) on b) at c) by d) through e) with 31) I'm so proud _____ my little brother for winning the race! a) at b) with c) of d) on e) about 32) Are you keen _____ going for a drive later? a) with b) at c) by d) on e) to 33) To be honest I think she's just jealous _____ you a) from b) of c) with d) at e) by 34) I'm so fond _____ my grandma's cookies a) about b) with c) at d) on e) of 35) I'm really close _____ my mum. a) to b) from c) at d) on e) in 36) I'm really tired _____ listening to my sister. She complains all the time a) at b) from c) with d) of e) on 37) Katie is worried _____ her exams. She thinks she is going to fail a) on b) at c) with d) of e) about 38) The waiter was so rude _____ us that we made a complaint. a) with b) at c) from d) on e) through 39) They're not pleased _____ their new car because it's broken down three times already a) at b) with c) on d) for e) of 40) Tom is interested _____ joining the army because he wants to see the world. a) at b) by c) on d) with e) in 41) Are you excited _____ moving into your new house next week? a) with b) about c) on d) in e) to 42) That man over there reminds me _____ my first boyfriend a) on b) by c) with d) of e) to 43) How much did you pay _____ that jacket? a) for b) on c) with d) from e) at 44) We decided to go out tomorrow but it'll depend _____ the weather. a) on b) of c) by d) at e) in 45) Research shows that a lack of sleep is bad _____ your brain. a) on b) for c) with d) by e) to 46) You'll have to choose _____ me or him. You can't have both of us! a) on b) with c) through d) between e) about 47) My sister and I get along great. We hardly argue _____ anything. a) about b) with c) on d) in e) from 48) I apologized _____ my teacher for being late. a) from b) by c) with d) to e) between 49) You should be kinder _____ your siblings. a) to b) by c) with d) through e) in

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