Non chronological report - non Fiction genre- reports on a topic written in any order using subheading, Advertisement  - non Fiction genre- a persuasive attractive words using emotive language and rhyming, Explanation - non Fiction genre- to explain a process using logical steps in order , Persuasive text - non Fiction genre- an essay trying to persuade you by the writer point of view giving logical reasons for his opinion, Recount - non fiction genre-retelling past events , Newspaper report - non fiction genre-to report a certain accident or event in a formal tone using headline, Informational Text - Non-fiction genre- Texts provide facts about a variety of topics (sports, animals, science, history, careers, travel, geography, space, weather, etc.), Biography - Non-fiction genre- The story of a real person's life is written by another person., Autobiography - Non-fiction genre- The story of a real person's life is written by that person.,

Non fiction Genre Match-Up

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