1) What's the most important thing about a restaurant for you? 2) What kind of restaurant would you like? 3) What's the best thing about eating out? 4) What's your favorite restaurant? How often do you eat there? 5) Which is more economical in your country, eating out or eating at home? 6) Do you often order the same food or do you take a risk and try new food? 7) What's your favorite dessert/ main course? 8) This is something yellow but it is not a light. That's a flavor in Sprite 9) Order the main course for you and for your friend.  10) You want to pay for your meal. What would you say?  11) Do you prefer fast food or home-made food? 12) The waiter gives you the wrong food. What would you say?  13) What's the best thing about eating out? 14) You cut me up, you chop me up, you dice me up and you cry over me. What am I? 15) What types of foreign food restaurants have you eaten at? 16) Do you prefer to eat in the same restaurant or explore new ones? 17) How would you complain about the food or service in a restaurant? 18) What to say if you want to book a table for 4?  19) You want to order food. Ask for the menu. 20) Ask for two more drinks.  21) You want to surprise your girlfriend/boyfriend inviting her/him to the best restaurant in your city. What would you say? Where would you go?



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