If I weren't so busy all the time on Saturday evenings, - I could have come along to the cinema with you last Saturday., If I were more organized and had a diary, - I would have remembered our appointment., If I were in shape and ran five miles every day, - I would have participated in the city marathon., If you spent more time with us instead of your boyfriend, - we would have invited you to our party., If I had more time to read, - I would have finished this book ages ago!, If I had more money, - I would have made a bigger donation to UNICEF., If I had more self-confidence and I weren't so shy, - I would have made more friends at my old school., If you had told me about the skiing trip, - I would be skiing downt the mountain with you now!, If he had remembered to buy the ingredients, - we could be making a cake now!, If I hadn't seen that horror movie this evening, - I would be able to sleep now., If we had left earlier on our trip - we would be there by now.,



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