Knihovna je před hospodou. - The library is in front of the pub., Kolik je v Brně kostelů? - How many churches are there in Brno?, Za řekou je malá vesnice. - There is a little village behind the river., Bolí jeho sestru břicho? Ne, nebolí. - Has his sister got a stomach ache? No, she hasn´t., V Brně nesněží a v Praze je slunečno. - It isn´t snowing in Brno and it is sunny in Prague., Co se s tebou dnes děje? Bolí mě hlava. - What´s the matter with you today? I have got a head ache., Má tvůj bratr rád brambory? Ne, nemá. - Does your brother like potatoes? No, he doesn´t., Co dělá Martin? Skáče na své posteli. - What is Martin doing? He is jumping on his bed., Má její kamarád šedou aktovku? Ne, nemá. - Has her friend got a grey bag? No, he hasn´t., Řídí tvůj bratr auto? Ne, neřídí. - Is your brother driving a car? No, he isn´t., Běžte rovně kolem pošty a u kostela zabočte doleva. - Go straight past the post office and turn left at the church., Jezdí tvoje sestra na kole? Ne, nejezdí. Je doma. - Is your sister riding a bike? No, she isn´t. She is at home., Hraje Sandra na housle? - Is Sandra playing the violin?, Kde Pavel pracuje? Pracuje ve svém pokoji. - Where is Pavel working? He is working in his room., Petr stojí před školou. - Petr is standing in front of the school., Je na náměstí velká socha? Ne, není. - Is there a big statue in the square? No, there isn´t., Je v Praze 12 kostelů? Ano, je. - Are there twelve churches in Prague? Yes, there are. , Jaké je dnes počasí? Dnes neprší, ale je zima. - What is the weather like today? It isn´t raining today, but it is cold.,

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