1) What is an ion? a) smallest unit into which matter can be divided without the release of electrically charged particles b) any atom or group of atoms that bears one or more positive or negative electrical charges c) two or more atoms of the same element different element that are bound together d) made up or consisting of two or more existing parts or elements 2) What is an ionic compound? a) A compound which is held together by ionic bonds composed of one or more cations and one or more anions b) a substance formed from two or more elements c) electron pairs are shared between atoms d) ion that contains more than one atom 3) What is the ion of Magnesium? a) Mg1- b) Mg2+ c) Mg1+ d) Mg2- 4) What charge does an ion of chlorine have? a) 1- b) 3+ c) 2- d) 2+ 5) What is an ionic bond? a) bond that involves the sharing of electron pairs between atoms b) lasting attraction between atoms, ions or molecules that enables the formation of chemical compounds c) bond between two ions formed through the transfer of one or more electrons d) two ions holding together 6) Is NaBr an ionic bond? a) Yes b) No 7) What is a covalent bond? a) the interatomic linkage that results from the sharing of an electron pair between two atoms b) bond that involves the sharing of electron pairs between atoms c) group of covalently bonded atoms that carries a net charge d) lasting attraction between atoms, ions or molecules that enables the formation of chemical compounds 8) What is a very common example of a covalent bond? a) (SO4)2– b) LiBr c) H2O d) NaBr 9) What is a Lewis Structure? a) negatively charged electrons orbit a small, positively charged nucleus b) display of the chemical elements, which are arranged by atomic number, electron configuration, and recurring chemical properties c) graphic representation of the molecular structure d) A structural formula in which electrons are represented by dots, dot pairs, or dashes 10) What is this covalent bond called? SO3 a) Sulfur Dioxide b) Sulfur Trioxide c) Sulfur Nitrate d) Sulfur Carbonate 11) What is the formula for carbon tetrachloride? a) CCl3 b) CCl4 c) C(Cl4)2 d) CCl 12) What two elements are used to make phosphorus pentabromide? a) K and Br b) Pb and B c) P and Br d) O, C, and Br

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