Gambler's Fallacy - Belieiving that future probabilities are altered by past events, when in fact they are unchanged, Hyperbolic Discounting - Preferring a smaller, sooner payoff over a larger, later reward, Illusion of Validity - Overestimating our ability to make accurate predictions, especially when data appears to tell a coherent "story", Ostrich Effect - Avoiding negative financial information by pretending it doesn't exist, Post-Purchase Rationalisation - Tendency to ascribe positive attributes to an option one has selected after they have selected it, Reactive Devaluation - Devaluing an idea because it originated from an adversary or opponent, Risk Compensation - Taking bigger risks when perceived safety increases, being more careful when perceived risk increases, Status Quo Bias - Preferring the current state of affairs over change, Stereotyping - Assuming a person has characteristics because they are a member of a group,

9 Cognitive Biases (F-Z)

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