1) Samantha ___________ playing tennis. a) like b) likes 2) We ___________ delicious cakes.  a) make b) makes 3) Uncle Tom ___________ the dog every day. a) feed b) feeds 4) My brother ___________ a lot of hamburgers. a) eat b) eats 5) You always ___________ to work early. a) come b) comes 6) They all ___________ in the post office. a) work b) works 7) Foxes ___________ in the forest. a) live b) lives 8) The earth ___________ around the Sun. a) move b) moves 9) Lisa and Nancy often ___________ in the park. a) run b) runs 10) These children ___________ their bikes to school every day.  a) ride b) rides 11) My sister never ___________ her bedroom. a) tidy b) tidies 12) Emma ___________ TV every evening. a) watch b) watches 13) Jeniffer ___________ her mum with the housework. a) help b) helps 14) Robert and Sarah usually ___________ to school. a) walk b) walks 15) My friends ___________ the bus to school. a) take b) takes 16) Lessons ___________ at ten o'clock. a) start b) starts 17) My brother often ___________ computer games. a) play b) plays 18) I always ___________ my teeth in the morning. a) brush b) brushes 19) He ___________ well. a) swim b) swims 20) Henry ___________ his homework in the evening. a) do b) does 21) Our granny ___________ us every weekend. a) visit b) visits 22) My brother and I ___________ a room. a) share b) shares 23) We always ___________ dinner in the dining room. a) eat b) eats 24) We ___________ basketball at school. a) play b) plays 25) They ___________ pizza. a) love b) loves 26) She ___________ a book every week. a) read b) reads 27) I ___________ cereal in the morning. a) eat b) eats 28) He always ___________ us funny stories. a) tell b) tells 29) You always ___________ me new things. a) teach b) teaches 30) I usually ___________ to school. a) go b) goes

Present Simple - 3rd person singular


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