1) If you are 45 years old you are... a) a child b) middle-aged c) elderly d) a teenager 2) Poland is my... a) occupation b) nationality c) age d) country 3) We are going to Disneyland so we are very... a) scared b) relaxed c) excited d) frightened 4) What holiday is this? a) Thanksgiving Day b) Boxing day c) Christmas d) Easter 5) Your uncle's wife is your... a) stepmother b) cousin c) aunt d) wife 6) I don't talk to many people because I'm very... a) sociable b) shy c) self-confident d) stupid 7) He doesn't like it when he's not invited to a party. He's very... a) jealous b) caring c) patient d) reliable 8) I you like somebody very much it means you ... him / her a) dislike b) regret c) admire d) hate 9) Someone who is engaged to you is your... a) neighbour b) fiance c) classmate d) relative 10) My girlfiend.... Now I'm depressed a) broke up with me b) divorced me c) made up with me d) kept in touch with me

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