1) I don't have my phone, ............I can't send an email or a text. a) because b) so c) but d) and 2) From the science part ........a museum, you can see everything from dinosaurs to spaceships.  a) in  b) on c) at d) of 3) She decided not........and she went downstairs to get a drink. a) to get b) getting c) gets d) is get 4) Do you like being a fire fighter? a) I was so excited. b) You're welcome, Vicky. c) I love it, it's very exciting.  d) Never mind 5) How far is it from your house to school? a) It takes 5 minutes to get there. b) It's about 5 kilometers. c) It's at 5 o'clock. 6) Insects live .............land and in water.  a) on  b) in c) at d) with 7) Everyone ........... a great time.  a) has b) have c) having d) is have 8) We can't see all the competitions,.......? a) don't we b) can't we c) can we d) doesn't we 9) I'm on a school trip ..........the moment.  a) at b) in  c) by d) for 10) Insect eat plants or ........... insects. a) another b) other c) each d) many 11) Hippos are....... river horses because they live in rivers and lakes and eat grass. a) call b) calls c) calling d) called 12) Hippos can stay under the water.......5 minutes.  a) since b) for c) as d) ago 13) It's very important to look.........our teeth.  a) after b) for c) like d) at 14) Fred looked angry and then....... to cry.  a) starting b) started c) starts d) are start 15) Choose the word that needs correcting: a) see-saw-seen b) write-wrote-writen c) wear-wore-worn d) Break-broke-broken

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