1) What time is it? It’s quarter past three a) 03:15 b) 02:20 c) 06:00 d) 04:50 e) 06:05 f) 07:15 2) What time is is? It’s four o’clock a) 16:00 b) 13:00 c) 12:00 d) 16:30 e) 16:10 f) 16:40 3) What time is is? It’s half past three a) 03:30 b) 02:00 c) 10:00 d) 09:30 e) 07:30 f) 09:00 4) What time is it? It’s twenty past seven a) 06:10 b) 07: 40 c) 7:20 d) 08:40 e) 08: 20 f) 07:40 5) What time is it?It's nine o'clock a) 08:00 b) 09:00 c) 07:00 d) 04:00 e) 06:00 f) 07:15 6) What time is it? It's twenty five to seven a) 07:25 b) 06:35 c) 05:30 d) 08:30 e) 07:20 f) 06:20 7) What time is it? It ś five to four a) 02:00 b) 04:00 c) 02: 30 d) 03:55 e) 05:00 f) 03:30

Telling the time


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