1) Do you feel excited before trips you go to? Why/why not? 2) Have you ever visited any luxury places? How was it? 3) Do you like talking to local community when you're abroad? Why/why not? 4) Do you get annoyed if you have to wait in long queues? Have you ever resigned from any attraction because the line was too long? 5) Do you think that the entrance fee to the majority of attractions nowadays is too high? Give some examples. 6) What do you think about street performers? Have you ever observed one? 7) Define tourist traps. Do you like visiting such places? 8) Do you prefer holidays based on sightseeing or just relaxing by the beach? Explain your choice. 9) Are you obsessed with gift shops? What souvenirs do you usually buy? 10) Where are you planning to go on the next trip? What was the destination of the last one?

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