1) When did the invasion of Abyssinia took place a) 1940 b) 1934 c) 1935 2) Which country was the invader? a) Germany b) Japan c) Italy d) Russia 3) Which was the event that triggered the invasion? a) The Wal Wal incident b) Dispute between Italian and Abyssinian soldiers c) Quarrel between Mussolini and Haile Selassie 4) Why did the French and the British not want to stop Mussolini from invading? a) They were desperate to keep good relations with Mussolini b) They didn't want to waste troops and supplies defending a small nation c) After signing the Stresa Pact, they wanted to stand united against Germany 5) Why didn't the French and the British close the Suez Canal? a) Because they were afraid that it could result in war with Italy b) Because it would affect their economy in a very big way  6) When was the first time italy tried to invade Abyssinia? a) 1896 b) 1870 c) 1935 7) How many italian soldiers invaded Abyssinia on October 2nd 1935? a) 500,000 b) 100,000 c) 10,000 8) Why was it hard for The League to impose oil sanctions on Italy a) Because it feared the Americans would not support the sanctions b) Because it feared that it was going to make the Italians furious and it was going to cause a very big conflict c) Because it feared that its members’ economic interests would be further damaged

Abyssinian crisis (Juanma and Jose)


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