1) Wake up in the morning a) A.M. b) P.M. 2) Finish school a) P.M. b) A.M. 3) Breakfast time a) P.M. b) A.M. 4) Dinner Time a) P.M. b) A.M. 5) Go to school a) P.M. b) A.M. 6) Play in playground in the evening a) P.M. b) A.M. 7) Do homework after school a) A.M. b) P.M. 8) Brush teeth before sleeping a) P.M. b) A.M. 9) Brush teeth in the morning a) A.M. b) P.M. 10) Sleeping a) A.M. b) P.M. 11) Watch TV after dinner a) P.M. b) A.M. 12) Running in school a) P.M. b) A.M.

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