touring - A “___________ exhibition" is another way of saying “traveling (travelling) exhibition” / передвижная выставка, deputy - The “___________ director" is the second most important person after the director / заместитель, physical - “___________ visitors" is opposite for “digital visitors” / посетители, пришедшие в стены музея, относительно онлайн-посетителей, repeat - “___________ visitors” return to the same museum, they are usually compared to “first-time visitors” / посетители, вернувшиеся в тот же музей, varied - A “___________ collection” contains several different items / разнообразный, on-site - An “___________ exhibition” takes place inside the museum as opposed to “off-site” one / внутримузейная выставка, together - To “put ___________ an exhibition” means to “mount” it / организовать/создать (выставку), core - The “___________ collection" implies that this part of collection contains the main or most important items / ядро (коллекции),

IG: Word of the Day, October 2021, Museum English Hub

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