Do this before starting any kind of exercise. - warm up, It's another way to say 'start a (business)' - set up, To charge your phone, ___ it ___ to the socket. - plug in,  I think I need to ___ soda - I drink too much. - cut down on, We often ___ as neither of us like to cook. - eat out, My doctor told me to ___ all dairy products from my diet. - cut out, I need to ___ the money my father lent me for university. - pay back, I'll come and ___ you ___ from the airport tomorrow. - pick up, After graduating from uni, Ellen ___ at least one job every day. - applied for, It's another way of saying 'break up with somebody' - split up, When you get on a plane you have to ___ your devices. - switch off, Although his parents __ him __ strictly, he was a happy child. - brought up, Another way of saying 'do exercise' - work out, I need to ___ some money from the ATM. - take out, I really ___ my English classes. It's heaps of fun! - look forward to, I'm glad that my children ___ with each other. They never fight! - get along, If you want to find a job you could ___ one online. - look for, If you ___ petrol, your car will stop in the middle of the road! - run out of, When driving it's important to ___ for pedestrians and other cars. - watch out, Can you ___ the volume ___. I can barely hear the movie. - turn up,

EC I2 M2 9B Phrasal verb match

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