1) I think it is going to rain soon. I _____ bring my umbrella. a) should b) can c) must 2) _____ you show me the directions to Taman Ria? a) Can b) May c) Must 3) We _____ look to our left and right before crossing the road.  a) must b) should c) can 4) You _____ switch off your phone when you are studying. a) must b) should c) may 5) Every pupil _____ attend the morning assembly every Monday.  a) must b) should c) can 6) She ______ want to come with us. a) can b) may c) should 7) _____ you tell us where the canteen is? a) Can b) May c) Should 8) You _____ go back early if you have finished the exercise. a) can b) may c) must 9) We _____ brush our teeth before going to bed. a) should b) can c) must 10) We _____ participate in extra-curricular activities. a) can b) must c) should 11) A cheetah _____ run very fast. a) must b) can c) should 12) ______ I take a look at your hand? a) May b) Must c) Should 13) _____ you lend me your pencil, please? a) Must b) Should c) Can 14) You _____ hand in your homework before 5 p.m. a) may b) must c) should 15) She _____ go swimming today. a) should b) may 16) You _____ prepare yourself for the UPSR examination. a) should b) may c) can 17) Sir, _____ I go to the toilet, please? a) May b) Must c) Should 18) You _____ be quiet in the library. a) should b) must c) can 19) Yes, you _____ go to the toilet. a) should b) may 20) I _____ go to your house this evening, but I _____ be a little late.  a) can, may b) should, must c) can, should

Modals_情态动词_Std 4/5/6

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