Define force. - Anything that causes an object to move or change direction, Define gravity. - the force pulling an object towards the nearest celestial body, Name 3 types of forces. - gravity, friction, electrical ........, What is the unit of force? - Newton, Who was the first person to describe a force? - Isaac Newton, Name the instrument used to measure force? - Newton meter, Explain balanced forces. - where all the forces acting on an object are equal, The force of gravity on a body is called... - Weight, True or false: weight is a force. - True, What is the unit of weight? - Newton, What is the unit of mass? - Kilogram, Define weight. - Mass plus the effect of gravity, What is the formula used to calculate weight? - mass (g) X 10, Explain friction? - force resisting the movement of 2 surfaces in contact, What are the advantages of friction? - brakes, being able to walk, write , What are the disadvantages of friction? - wears out moving parts, Describe air resistance? - Friction caused by an object moving through air, What is a non-contact force - A force where contact is not required eg magnetic force, What are the 4 forces working on an aeroplane? - Lift, drag, thrust and gravity, What is the mass of someone who weighs 500 N on Earth? - 500 /10 = 50kg, What is the weight of someone whose mass is 80 kg? - 80 x 10 = 800 Newtons,

Forces Revision JC

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