She said me she didn’t want to go. - said to me, We’ve got back from the cinema yet. - We haven't got back ... yet., I already have been to the bank. - I've already been..., She hasn’t yet come home. - She hasn't come home yet., He told he didn’t like pizza. - He said he..., If you’ll come home early, give me a ring. - If you come..., If you do the homework, you’ll never pass the test. - If you don't do..., If you want to pass the test, you must to study hard. - ... must study hard, If it’ll rain tomorrow, I’ll stay at home. - If it rains..., If you would have more money, you’d afford a new car. - If you had..., I’ll buy a new house if I were rich. - I would buy..., What does the weather like today? - What is the weather like today?, What are you look like? - What do you look like?, What are you like more tea or coffee? - What do you like more..., Romeo and Juliet wrote by Shakespeare. - Romeo and Juliet was written by..., Coffee produces in Brazil. - Coffee is produced..., Pyramids was build by the Egyptians. - Pyramids were built by..., She said she is happy. - She said she was happy., They told me they will go to Paris if they have money. - They told me they would go to Paris if they had money.,

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