1) How much does hunter cost today? a) 850 b) Use code B1RDHUNT3R to get hunter c) 100000 d) 10232123212 e) 1 f) 255 2) What level is the creator of this quiz in tds? a) 123 b) 131 or 132 c) 128 d) 127 e) 3 f) 1 3) What level do you need to get pursuit? a) 100 b) 200 c) 300 d) 400 e) 500 f) 1 4) How many nights are there in the solar eclipse event today? a) 2 b) 4 c) 5 d) 9 e) 10 f) 1232 5) Who is that? a) Hunter b) Gladiator c) General d) Soldier e) MIKE f) Mike Hunter 6) What ground tower can shoot up a) Hunter b) Gladiator c) Soldier



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