Introduction (expressing the purpose of the report): The objective of this report is to compare ….. and ….., The purpose of this report is to examine / evaluate / explain / describe / analyse / present / outline…, This report aims to…, It is based on a survey conducted among…, It is the result of a discussion which took place among…, This reports aims to outline ...., Recommendations in the final paragraph: I would (strongly) recommend that…, The following measures should be implemented:, In the light of the faulty areas mentioned, I would advise against…, I would advise for…, It would be to our advantage if…, The best solution would be to…, In order to improve …… it is necessary to...., This would have an impact on ...., The implementation of ... would allow/ benefit ..., I have no hesitation in recommending ..., Main Body- linking ideas/ presenting statistics/ adding arguments: The first observation to make is (concerns) , First of all / Firstly , Secondly / Furthermore /Moreover , According to (the majority of respondents) , However, although, alternatively , In spite of (the fact that) / Despite (the fact that) + Noun, Pronoun or , Predicting the future: The outlook for ... is (far from being) bright / optimistic / depressing / daunting , This seems unlikely in the near / foreseeable future , It has been stressed that, The (vast) majority of the participants feel that ...,


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