1) Where did the explorers discover the tools ? a) in the traffic b) in the sky c) in the tunnel  d) in the heat 2) Where do you live ? a) at the bus stop b) in a small neighbourhood c) tomorrow morning  d) in a rubbish bin 3) What caused this terrible damage ? a) an earthquake b) solar power c) an uncomfortable chair d) a desert island 4) Why is there water everywhere ? a) because of the pollution b) because of the flood c) because of the sun d) because of the heat 5) She hurt her ............................ when she fell off the bike. a) knee b) torch c) bin d) shop 6) They were lucky to be ............................ after the terrible accident. a) happy b) dead c) alive d) live 7) Tidy the mess in your bedroom and throw anything you don't want in the .......................... . a) lake b) bin c) bed d) space 8) The lights weren't working after the flood so we had to use a ............................... . a) torch b) local c) comfortable d) spoon 9) Mum does all her shopping in the .............................. shops. a) desert b) traffic c) local d) blanket 10) I just felt a ................................... of rain on my head. a) drop b) flood c) water d) sand 11) Can you move a bit and make some ......................................... for me to sit down ? a) field b) point c) space d) way 12) The shelf is too high and I can't .................................. it. a) find b) reach c) improve d) attack 13) It isn't nice to sleep in a bed which is not .......................................... . a) desert b) tiring c) probable d) comfortable 14) Without water he would not be able to ..................................... more than three days. a) change b) collect c) survive d) arrive 15) His ..................................... along the Amazon river took him more than two years. a) journey b) reason c) creature d) entrance 16) Can you tell me the ..................................... why you didn't finish your homework ? a) challenge b) reason c) change d) experience 17) I ........................................ a little more salt to the soup. a) cut down b) shared c) added d) described 18) Our country ..................................... a lot of olive oil. a) produces b) reports c) holds d) attacks 19) When ice ...................................... , it turns into water.  a) blocks b) rises c) floods d) melts 20) Earthquakes can cause a lot of ............................................ . a) damage b) challenge c) experience d) survival 21) He hadn't eaten anything for a week , but he .......................... to kill and eat a goat , in the end. a) survived b) managed c) challenged d) improved 22) Christopher Colombus ................................. America in 1492. a) invented b) created c) improved d) discovered 23) Harry Potter decided to fight against Voldermot and that was a very difficult ........................ . a) reason b) challenge c) change d) damage 24) Frodo and Sam were the two .................................... to take the ring back to Mount Doom. a) explorers b) scientists c) volunteers d) gollums 25) Smeagol was a very ugly ....................................... . a) creature b) model c) hobbit d) professor 26) Hobbits ,  Elves , Ogres and  Uruk-Hai are creatures which do not really .................................... . a) exist b) happen c) attack d) believe 27) ........................................... in spring and summer are higher a) floods b) storms c) temperatures d) snowstorms 28) The main reason for global warming is ....................................... . a) flooded areas b) temperatures c) hot heather d) pollution 29) The melting of the Arctic ice is ....................................... by global warming a) caused b) produced c) held d) improved 30) We put a torch and some batteries in our ......................................... box a) first aid b) bank c) damage d) emergency 31) He didn't have any ......................................... for preparing food. a) challenges b) equipment c) documentary d) sunscreen 32) Solar power is good for the .................................. . a) sun b) house c) environment d) moon

Webkids 3 Vocabulary Test 10A-12B

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