1) What did before minecraft was named a) cave world b) cave game c) minecraft 2) What year did minecraft version 1.0 was made a) 1930 b) 2021 c) 2011 3) Whats the first minecraft youtuber a) jwaap b) dream c) popelarmmo's 4) Who is the owner off this game a) notch b) scratch team 5) Which mob teleports a) enderman b) zombie c) creeper 6) Which mob blows up a) enderman b) zombie c) creeper 7) What is the first disc that's made by C418 a) wait b) 13 c) 11 8) What disc that's is non music a) wait b) 13 c) 11 9) Who used this skin a) dream b) unspeakable c) popelarmmo's 10) What is the first disc that's made by lena raine a) pigstep b) overside c) cat 11) What genre is minecraft a) adventure b) sports c) horror 12) What disc that's made in version 1.18 a) pigstep b) overside c) cat

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