1) She wants _______ French. a) to learn b) learning 2) They need _______ water. a) drinking b) to drink 3) I avoid _______ fast food. a) eating b) to eat 4) We finish ________ our homework. a) to do b) doing 5) They feel like _______ late today. a) sleeping b) to sleep 6) Alex suggested ______ less money. a) to spend b) spending 7) Aron promised ______ home early. a) to go b) going 8) She considered _______ her major at university. a) to change b) changing 9) Alicia made me ______ very hard. a) work b) to work 10) Harold doesn't mind ____ a new book. a) buying b) to buy 11) David enjoys ______ soccer. a) to play b) playing 12) He offers ________ Italian. a) to teach b) teaching 13) They finished _______ the cake. a) to prepare b) preparing 14) We are planning ________ to Europe. a) to travel b) traveling 15) I avoided ______ the film reviews. a) to watch b) watching 16) Sally promises ____ her bedroom. a) to clean b) cleaning

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